Tuesday, November 11, 2008

...umm...sorry.....am I, uh...late?


As a devout and obsessive reader of blogs, I get furious and frustrated when "Gill", "Adam", "Meg" or "Petite" fail to keep me posted. However, upon making the decision to blog about the preparation for and experience of my new, wonderful adventure, I realized that I had already registered with blogger.......two years ago. This is my first update since registering "My Cup of Tea".

At the time, I was finishing up uni, writing a show as one-third of a dynamic team, and agonizing about what I would do after my dreaded and impending graduation. I decided to start a blog as an outlet for venting frustrations, test-driving ideas and promoting my most favourite things. However, whenever I sat down to write, I was met with the sad realization that (just maybe) I had absolutely nothing worthwhile to say.

Seeing that expat blogging is gosh-darn near-mandatory for all living out of a suitcase, I've decided to give it another go. I will document the work Visa process, packing, preparing and saying "goodbye". On the morning of January 4th, 2009, my 24th birthday, I will be arriving to begin a new life in Seoul, South Korea.

This time, I promise to keep you posted.



Olga said...

You darn well better! ;)

danielle said...

Hey, can't wait to see you here! Where exactly are you working in Seoul??